Phalaenopsis (Moth orchids) are so called as the flowers of some species resemble flying moths. Moth orchids are the most typical orchids found in gardens and domiciles as their flower blooms can last from weeks to months. Flowers come in a wide range of colors; yellows, pinks white, lavender and therefore are arranged as arched sprays. Their popularity is also due to their tolerance of temperature and light conditions in the average home.
Moth orchids prefer temperatures between 55 degrees F to 85 degrees F. Your day and night temperature huge difference is important for flowering and Moth orchids flower most useful at daytime temperatures of about 75 degrees F and night time temperatures around 60 degrees F. The optimum positioning for a Moth orchid is near an east or west facing window where the plant can get the morning and evening sun, but won't be burned in direct midday sunlight. If you are growing these orchids in a greenhouse, you will need to protect them with shade cloth. If inadequate light can be an issue your geographical area, consider using fluorescent lights with the timer set to 10 hours lighting. orchid care need good air circulation and a low-speed oscillating fan, or ceiling fan, will soon be adequate.